Dear Friends,
Greetings from Vietnam and Cambodia! We are excited to be here visiting our faithful We Love Kids scholars. Eleven of them have made it to university level in Vietnam, and some through great difficulties. One of them even sold his motorbike to pay his school fees!
The last few weeks have been great, with almost continuous travel from Saigon to Ca Mau (at the southern tip of Vietnam) back to Saigon, then up into Binh Phuoc province, over to Cambodia for 5 intensive days, then back to Saigon again! Our last upcoming trip is to Ninh Hoa in Central Vietnam, to meet with a small church that helps 25 of our children receive scholarships. We have visited a total of over 200 children in our travels.

Meeting with one of our new students in Ca Mau Vietnam.

Srey Kuoi is one of our Stieng church planter's daughters in Kratie Cambodia. She wants to continue on to high school, which is a huge challenge for her family. To keep going to school from Grade 7-12 requires $75 per month per child, since the only school is so far away. Srey Kuoi and girls like her truly need your help to keep them in school.

We did a quick tour of Ho Chi Minh City, (or Saigon) where I lived from 1994-2004. This city now boasts 11 million people, and is rapidly developing, but extremely so crowded it is considered to have some of the world's worst traffic problems!
Crazy Saigon Traffic

Gary and I were able to bless one of our university students, Duong, who is a second year accounting student, with a computer donated by our wonderful travelling companion, Ben Inman, from Tupelo Mississippi.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support!
"And whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward." Matthew 10.42 (CSB)
May God prosper you in all spiritual graces as you serve Him this year!
AFM Missionary/Director, We Love Kids