Dear Friends,

We have so much good news to share from our church planting areas in Kratie province this Christmas season! The Christmas evangelism programs resulted in 46 people, both adults and children responding to the gospel message! In several cases, whole families turned to Christ. The family above recently became Christians, but were homeless. The parents had been working as day laborers in Thailand and the children were fostered out to an uncle, who at times, abused them. They had never been to school, even though the oldest boy is 14. When they became Christians, one of the church leaders, Seyha, realized how desperate the situation was and invited them to live on his property in a shack which was used during harvest time. The father is now growing and selling vegetables in the local villages. Seyha shared their story, and We Love Kids was able to help immediately, buying bicycles, books and backpacks so that all three boys can attend local school. Seyha also loaned out his old motorbike (it's nearly an antique, but still runs!), and now this family has a future, a priceless spiritual future and the hope of flourishing in this world. We thank God for these young leaders reaching out to help!
Trying our new bikes!

This is a typical meal for families like these:
"Give us this day our daily bread..." even if it's snails!
If you would like to help these boys go to school, please click.
There is so much more to share! We Love Kids has helped 3 new students enter secondary school in another province, and 3 more older teens get off to vo-tech school. Three of our vo-tech students have graduated, and all three of them have received job placement in hotels in several provinces. While our long term goal is to build the Salt-and-Light school in the Snoul township, we know that the current students will soon be too old to benefit from it. So we are delighted that there are so many of them (over 25 now) who are either attending school locally, in another province or doing job training.
Thank you faithful donors for helping us help so many!

Wishing you joy and peace this New Year!
AFM Missionary/Director, We Love Kids