Our Vision
We Love Kids began in 2003 as we realized that the children we were investing in, in Vietnam and Cambodia, would not be able to flourish throughout their lives without access to a genuine education. We are a registered non-profit charity based in the United States which aids children in Vietnam and Cambodia with educational scholarships, and supplemental assistance (bicycles, rice, clothing and medication) with the goal of preventing human trafficking and ending the cycle of endemic poverty. We Love Kids, Ltd works in conjunction with Anglican Frontier Missions.

We Love Kids empowers children in Vietnam and Cambodia through educational scholarships. Education helps prevent human trafficking, drug addiction, and offers an escape from endemic poverty.

Children like this little girl, living in a shack with her mother and several siblings, often start work at 11 years old in slum areas in Vietnam and Cambodia. Going to school not only keeps her from the karoke bars, (soft prostitution) but gives her a way to help her whole family overcome the scourge of endemic poverty and shame.
About Us

We Love Kids helps kids in Vietnam and Cambodia find a way out of endemic poverty and fights human trafficking through:
HIV-AIDS and drug intervention
spiritual nurturing

Joni Wise started We Love Kids in 2003 by buying a pair of glasses for a little girl who was blind in one eye. Over the next 20 years, we have grown, now working in 2 countries!