Dear Friends,

We are so excited to report on our VBS's in ten villages for 1000 kids in Eastern Cambodia, in the church planting areas. The children and young people of all ages participated, including another minority group (the Jarai people) who live in an even more northern province called Rattanakiri. Over 100 children accepted Christ in the VBS programs, and the church leaders are working on ways to aid with more intensive discipleship. We want these children to be raised up in Christ and develop a deep relationship with Him!

Even the village chief and the local policemen wanted to get in this pic!

Seyha, one of the local church leaders is opening children's literacy classes, which are supplemental lessons and include Biblical discipleship materials. These classes are geared to also reach the children's parents. Please pray for a great move of God among these villages!
As always, thank you all for your love, prayers and support for the work of We Love Kids in Vietnam and Cambodia!
WE LOVE KIDS has a new address:
11938 Mastin St.
Overland Park KS 66213
Please send all correspondence to this address.
AFM Missionary/Director,