A few weeks ago I was able to visit an area up in Central Vietnam where we have been supporting 20 children from an ethnic minority group to go to school. Below are some of the photos.

Due to the efforts of a wonderful local pastor and his wife, these kids have a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the local primary school and some of them are now going out of their village to secondary school (which is a long journey, on local buses, down the mountain and back, around 20 kilometers a day!). I was delighted to see these kids be so committed to their schooling in such difficult circumstances, and We Love Kids decided to take on ten new children!

We Love Kids helps pay the school fees, but the older children have a more difficult road: they also need transport fees everyday. Would you like to help these lovely kids get their schooling and finish high school? If you would, just let us know! Just write a note to us that you would like to help a child from QUANG TRI province, or refer to this newsletter. We are so thankful to our wonderful partners and donors, we now are helping 300 children go to school every year!

We are so thankful to our wonderful partners and donors, we now are helping 300 children go to school every year!
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